Month: October 2007

Newsletter: 4th Quarter 2007

Newsletter: 4th Quarter 2007

ECWG looses two esteemed members…annual Bombash held…members in the news…

The Explorers Club Washington Group held their “Bombash” exploring the James River Plantations & Jamestown Virginia during October. Frank Power, MN ’93 organized the weekend event which included a guided archaeological tour of Jamestown, the site of the first permanent English settlement in America, which is celebrating its 400th anniversary. The group also visited gracious manor houses all on the historic National Register of properties. Our chapters November dinner meeting with The Circumnavigators Club featured Elizabeth L. Gilbert who moved to Africa in 1991 to work as a photojournalist. Her images of conflicts and cultural issues in Somalia, Rwanda, and other East African countries have appeared in many publications. In December at our annual Black-Tie event with The

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