Newsletter: 3rd Quarter 2009
Richard R. Randall FE’78, was inducted into the Hall of Fame of the National Geospatial Agency, in the Department of Defense, which manages and provides imagery and geospatial information for military, intelligence, civil and international needs. Mr. Randall, a geographer of the Defense Mapping Agency, specialized in processing geographic names to define national and international places and boundaries.
Ralph Naranjo FN’91, recently carried out a field test of a low earth orbit message/tracking system carrying the device at sea to evaluate it’s functionality in the marine environment. Bad weather provided a wet, pitching platform—just right for testing the limits of a small GPS receiver and low powered message transmitter. A position report was transmitted via satellite link and emailed to recipients. The passage scribed a track across segments of the Sargasso Sea and the Gulf Stream, both of which had been poor regions for propagation in the past. Post passage assessment of the data showed that every position report/message that the unit had sent reached all recipients, and the full set of position reports matched the GPS data logged from the vessel’s navigation system at the time of transmission.
The Southern California chapter hosted Dr. Michael Manyak, MED’92, for a presentation on expedition medicine and book signing of his recent text on the same subject. Dr. Lee Talbot MED’57 and Marty Talbot FN’04, were featured in a recent AARP story on their passion for race car driving, environmental science and exploring the world.
Robert J. Atwater, LF’05, co-led the “2009 Cahal Pech Archaeological Expedition” (left) that carried Flag #97 near San Ignacio, Belize, Central America. The 18 member expedition, eight of which were students from the Flagler County School System in Florida, excavated site c6 at the Mayan City of Cahal Pech. The expedition team documented the extensive damage to the site by looters and erosion. Several Mayan artifacts were discovered including a pottery chard with perfectly preserved glyphs, a very attractive arrowhead and a small stone with a carved human face. The 2009 archaeological field school at Cahal Pech was sponsored by the Belize Valley Archaeological Reconnaissance, the Flagler County School System, the Archaeological Institute of America, and The Explorers Club.
Dr. Michael Manyak, MED’92,(right) participated and provided medical coverage for a flag expedition to Tanzania to evaluate a new discovery of early human footprints estimated to be the oldest modern human prints (Homo sapiens), 120,000 yrs old. Jim Brett, FN ‘90, led the expedition which uncovered over 30 prints. The 57 finely preserved prints were made by at least 3 adults.
Welcome to our new members Alejandro C. Stella SM’ 09 and Alison La Bonte FN’ 09.
Jackie Ronne FN’91(left) passed away June 14th. Known as “Antarctica’s First Lady” and in 1946 became the first American woman to visit the continent and the first woman to overwinter there.
Coleman Donaldson FE ’79, grandson of Thomas Coleman du Pont, died August 7. He was Chairman and CEO of Aeronautical Research Associates and was a member of a number of NASA advisory committees and panels.