Month: June 2014

News briefs 2nd quarter 2014

News briefs 2nd quarter 2014

This page includes brief looks at activities of Explorers Club Washington Group members during the second quarter of 2014  or reported during this quarter. ECWG members want to know what you’re up to, including awards, honors, or news stories. Click here to send in your news.

James A. Calderwood, Jr., FN ’04, recently returned from Nepal where he did a solo trek to the Annapurna Base Camp. This followed a month of volunteer medical work in rural villages. James, who was a student member, was recently elected as an Explorers Club Fellow.

In May Robert Hyman LF ‘93, spent 10 days in the Honduran department of Olancho on an environmental conservation fact finding mission. He visited the Honduran Emerald Hummingbird Wildlife Refuge, investigated an iron ore mining operation within a supposedly protected area, met with a woman’s cooperative that makes traditional pine needle baskets, searched for the rare Red-throated caracara bird nest and met with local environmental activists who are being harassed for protecting land. Information on the Honduran Conservation Coalition.

Michael Max, FN’05, is one of the three authors of the book, Natural Gas Hydrate:Arctic Ocean Deepwater Resource Potential, as part of the Springer Briefs in Energy series. The publisher describes the book as “an up-to-date basic reference for natural gas hydrate (NGH) in the Arctic Ocean. Geographical, geological, environmental, energy, new technology, and regulatory matters are discussed. The book should be of interest to general readers and scientists and students as well as industry and government agencies concerned with energy and ocean management.” More information on the Springer Web site.

Dr. Michael Manyak MED ’92 is one of the directors of the National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) “World Explorer Program,” which is designed to expose Eagle Scouts to the world of exploration. Full story.

The Washington Academy of Sciences presented Jack Williams, FN ’03, a “Special Award for the Public Understanding of Science”on May 8, 2014. The Society also presented Jack a a certificate of Fellowship in “Recognition of Outstanding Achievements and Contributions in the field of Public Understanding of Science.” The awards note Jack’s  “contributions as founding editor of the influential USA TODAY Weather Page” and as author or co-author of popular books on meteorology.

Kathryn Sullivan, NOAA photo

Time Magazine selected Dr. Kathryn Sullivan MED ’81, as one of the top 100 influential people in its May 2014 issue. She is the Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the first woman to walk in space, and a member of the ECWG. Here’s what Time says about Sullivan.

Dr. Michael Manyak, MED ’92, presented the aspects of expedition medicine as the keynote speaker at the Atlanta Medical Center Resident Graduation Recognition breakfast in April.

Betsy Stewart,  photo by Greg R. Staley
Betsy Stewart, photo by Greg R. Staley

The May/June 2014 issue of Home & Design magazine has a story about the paintings of Betsy Stewart, MN ’05, which “explore the workings of the universe.”   The story opens with an ancedote about her talking about one of her painting at an ECWG gathering. She asked, “What do you think it is?”

“Exploding stars in the Andromeda Galaxy,” an astrophysicist imagined. “Cool viruses,” a pathologist suggested. A biologist and physicist also offered their own interpretations. Stewart was delighted. “You’re all right,” she answered, beaming. Recalling the moment, she explains, “It went exactly as I hoped. It made me realize I was on the right track.”The rest of the story is online.

Both the New York Times and Popular Mechanics magazine published stories in April about Curt Westergard, MN ’09 and his work with teetered balloons. The New York Times story was about a tethered balloon that Curt was flying in New York City. It  describes how Curt and his balloons have become important for builders and the real estate business in the City.  The story notes how his balloons “count crowds at events where helicopters might interrupt speeches — like the 50th anniversary commemoration of the March on Washington at the Lincoln Memorial last year, and the 2009 presidential inauguration.”

The Popular Mechanics story is about Curt using infrared cameras on balloons to find where buildings are losing heat through their roofs. It also describes other possible work for the balloons.

Curt’s Web site shows some of his work.

A book by Tom King, FN ’02 andClaudia Nissley of Colorado, entitled Consultation and Cultural Heritage: Let Us Reason Together, is being published by The Left Coast Press. He says the book “is not about exploration but consulting cultural stakeholders in environmental impact assessment.” More from the publisher.

Tom is also working with with Betchart Expeditions planning a cruise to the Phoenix Islands in 2015 called “In Search of Amelia Earhart”.