Trevor Wallace Presentation Hosted by Phil and Natalia Stephenson
On May 24, 2018, Phil and Natalia Stephenson and the Stephenson Foundation hosted a cocktail buffet and wine tasting featuring a presentation by filmmaker Trevor Wallace about 3,000 year old Scythian tombs recently discovered in Siberia.

The Scythians were nomadic horse warriors who predated the Mongols by 2,000 years, famous for their gold ornaments and iconic artistic style. Trevor and his expedition partner Dr. Gino Caspari discovered the oldest, largest Royal Scythian tomb in Siberia last summer and will be returning shortly to unearth precious artifacts and mummies preserved in the permafrost — very cool stuff. They received the ‘New Explorer of the Year Award’ presented at the Explorers Club Annual Dinner in New York City for documenting the tomb and investigating the illegal antiquities trade.

ECWG thanks to the Stephensons. It was a great evening!