Kenneth W. Kambis, Ph.D.

Kenneth W. Kambis, Ph.D.

Kenneth W. Kambis, Ph.D., FN’11
Professor of Kinesiology & Health Sciences
Director, The Jack Borgenicht Altitude Physiology Research Facility

Kenneth Kambis

Ken Kambis is Professor of Kinesiology & Health Sciences at The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia.  Dr. Kambis conducts his research in the field of altitude physiology and works closely with the U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine’s Mountain Medicine Group (USARIEM) having conducted field research at USARIEM’s Pikes Peak, CO laboratory and as a Co-Investigator of ongoing research projects.  As Director of the Jack Borgenicht Altitude Physiology Research Facility, he works extensively with undergraduate students interested in environmental physiology research.  Dr. Kambis received his doctorate and master’s degrees from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and his bachelor’s degree from Catawba College.  He joined the faculty of William & Mary an Assistant Professor in 1986 and achieved the rank of Full Professor in 2005. Prior to the W&M appointment, he held faculty positions at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and The University of California, Santa Barbara.  Dr. Kambis is also President and Program Director of The Foundation for Aging Studies and Exercise Science Research (, a non-profit foundation dedicated to supporting research in environmental physiology, nutrition, and biomedical studies.